Top 4 XBMC Kodi music addons that will overpower in 2018!

Kodi, being a popular media player software, allows you to stream Sports, Movies and TV Shows. It comes with many features, and to increase its functionality, you can install Kodi Addons. There are also a wide variety of Kodi music addons available in today’s market. With it, you can enjoy latest and old songs whenever you want. So, here we have listed the top 4 music addons for Kodi that will overpower others in the upcoming year 2018.

Kodi's best 4 music addons till date

No doubt there are many music Kodi Addons available on the market. You might get confused to choose one among them. To make this easy for you, refer this list. We have also added a description for each of them. It will help you know why they are popular, and what makes them the best contenders for the maximum downloads in 2018.
1.  Jango Music Addon

It is the first FREE XBMC add-on that introduced social media to stations. Once you sign up, you can browse the various genres of playlists that this addon offers. Want to listen to music only from your favorite artists? The Jango addon offers you that as well. For its added features, you can play the song and also watch its video!

Once you register at, all your favorite songs and the history will sync with the Jango Add-on. Being a TV box user, you can feel the difference once you install it.

2.  MP3 Streams Addon

MP3 Streams is another popular and amazing addon developed years ago but gets regular updates from dev. KINKIN. The Mp3 Streams is the best Addon you will want for your music center. It allows you to download music to an external memory device or a network drive which is considered an advanced feature. This Kodi addon also allows you to add albums to the favorites folder. As an added feature, you can mix your playlists with the MP3 Streams Kodi XBMC Addon.

3.  World Radio Music Addon

World Radio is one of the popular Kodi music addons containing a huge number of songs. It streams top music from the 40s, the old 80s as well as the 90s. With this addon you can also find:
•  Country Music
•  RnB or hip hop
•  Dance Techno
•  Classic
•  Rock
•  Chillout
•  Live Radio
•  Jazz and more

So if you are an 'old is gold" hunter, this addon is sure to make its way to your device.

4.  Rave Player Addon for Kodi

Rave Player is another popular XBMC Music App that made its way to our list. This addon is the best for music lovers who listen to:

•  Podcasts mixtapes
•  Oldskool rave tape
•  Oldskool pirate radio sets
•  Live oldskool radio
•  Acid house
•  Hardcore
•  Jungle
•  Drum n bass and so on

This music addon for Kodi comes loaded with several DJ sets and Bangin rave tunes to entertain users for hours. This XBMC music addon also has a Podcast section that allows you to listen to audio with videos. So, get this addon today and enjoy outstanding music on Kodi.


For this list, we selected those Kodi music addons that can give you everything starting from social connections, podcasts up to synchronization. Considering the increasing popularity of XBMC and torrent sites remaining under the constant eyes of prying legal authorities, we will soon update the best movie addons for Kodi in 2018. So, stay tuned for further updates.

Also, don't forget to share this post among XBMC Kodi users.

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