TV Addons for a Customized Entertainment Device! Why?

You might look to buy an Android Box. Also, with it, you will be looking for the configuration and its features. This post contains all that you need to know. This guide will help you select the one with optimal performance. Also, you will learn how TV Addons play an important role in customizing the TV Box.
Configuration Must Be Your First Priority – Why
The way you love your android smart phone for its features, you will love the android TV Box as well. But, it’s the configuration that gives life to all the features. Let me take you through.
1.    The Internal Memory (ROM)
More the space better are the opportunities for customizations. Simply take your smart phone. A phone with 8 GB ROM performs better and hangs less than a 4 GB one.
The reason behind it is; the operating system takes a dedicated space of the internal memory. This is default and you can’t avoid it. Now, if you are looking to root your device, you can do that. But again the OS you choose, will eat up some space. So the end result, you are left with limited space for installing your apps.
In some phones you can install your applications in the external memory. But with TV box, this is not possible. You are given a dedicated space. So higher the ROM, better are the performance.

2.    The Random Access Memory (RAM)
For phones you might need a minimum of 2 GB. But for TV boxes, 1 GB will do fine. Further you get a dedicated set of TV Addons. Also if you want, you can install apps like NetFlix, Hotstar and other popular ones.
Working of the RAM – It is similar to the work station in your kitchen. You wouldn’t love to work in a congested place. RAM gives space to your applications to run. Further they keep running in the background while you are using other applications.
With TV Boxes, you need not worry about that as most of them come with auto clean feature. You can tweak them for manual access as well.
3.    The Processor – Heart of your TV Box
Like the heart pumps blood and keeps us alive, similarly the processor in a TV Box processes the commands you trigger. In simple words – it is the processor that starts the app.
Once you click on it, the processor finds it on the internal memory and then opens it up on the RAM. Long process in a short time depends on the efficiency of the cores!
How TV Addons Aids in Customization?
Well, it will be useless to buy an Android TV Box, if you aren’t able to install what you desire! There are many TV box addons that you can choose from. This gives you access to a wide variety of channels and from around the world!
Further you can use social media Addons in your TV box. This means you have access to Google Play Store and you can install Facebook, YouTube as well as games like COC!
So what more? Get your hands on TV boxes and open a new dimension of experiencing entertainment on Television. Stay tuned for further updates and also don’t forget to share this post.
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